Product Review: SoundPEATS Bluetooth Headphones

I am someone who always has a pair of headphones on them. I have multiple pairs in my room, in my desk at work and in various bags that I use. For me, there is always music playing or a podcast downloading. I get so much use out of my music streaming services because I use them so much like when I walk around the lake, drive home or even cleaning around the house. That’s why I’m super excited to be partnering with SoundPEATS, my newest pair of bluetooth headphones!

The Features:

The SoundPEATS bluetooth headphones have a variety of features that really made me fall in love with them pretty quickly. The first is the battery length. After charging it for what felt like barely any time at all I realized over the next few days that they had to be related to the energizer bunny because they just kept going, and going, and going. These hold up to 20 hours of battery life and what’s even better is that they come with an audio cable in case they do die and you’re without the charging cord.

These are also very light weight and include an adjustable band and very comfortable cushion pads. Sometimes a lot of wireless headphones can be heavy and almost hurt while they wrap around your head. I’m pretty picky about mine. If they are buds they have to be just right because I hate having to jam them into my ear canal. These aren’t like that at all. They sit comfortably on your head and hug your ears. On the actual headphones has a bass boost button, a higher and lower volume (which also serve as a previous and next track button), a multi-functional button.

Not only do they feature a comfortable design but they help block out unnecessary sound. Sometimes at work I just need to hunker down and get some things done and that is when I put them on. They cancel out the rest of the sound around me and let’s me focus on the task at hand. I will say that sometimes there is an odd echo to the sound. This only happens with a small handful of songs and I tried them out with various podcast and genres of music from rock, rap to even musical theatre. It seems to only have the echo with songs that include an extremely heavy bass.


Know What You’re Paying For:

When purchasing the SoundPEATS Bluetooth headphones you’ll receive one pair of headphones, a soft carrying bag that they easily slide into, a user manual, a USB charging cable and one audio cable. If you’re on a budget but don’t want to sacrifice quality sound, I would recommend trying these out. These headphones can be purchased on their website or on Amazon for $35.99 is a pretty decent price point for how expensive they can get.

Keep an eye out on my social media channels for photos of me sporting them around the Twin Cities!

SoundPEATS™ sponsored this post. Although I received free product, all opinions are my own.