Twin Cities gay scene

Twin Cities Gay Scene is a completely digital and online publication. Their slogan “Queer Media for the Mobile Generation” holds true as their posts thrive on social media and various online outlets. Their magazine covers a variety of things in the Twin Cities from concerts to theatre to drag events.

Photo courtesy of the Ordway

Photo courtesy of the Ordway

Photo by Brett Breiner

Photo by Brett Breiner

Photo by Allen Weeks

Photo by Allen Weeks

Interview with Rita Moreno

There will always be shows that I think to myself, “Wow I can’t believe I witnessed that,” and now there is an interview where I’ll think a similar thought. It’s not everyday that you get to speak with someone who has won an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a Tony award…oh, and a Peabody on top of that. While there are a large handful of artists who have wont he coveted honor, there are only three who can say they have the title of PEGOT…

Divorced. Beheaded.
Live in concert!

Divorced. Beheaded. Died. Divorced. Beheaded. Survived. Many know those words as a way to remind themselves of the fates of the wives of King Henry VIII. They are also the first words said in the British musical that is taking the world by storm called Six. The show is a modern retelling of the wives in the form of a pop concert. As each former Queen tells the story….

Hedwig and the Angry inch with Tyler Michaels King

In a time when gender and sexual orientation is at the forefront of LGBTQ politics, there is one story that may always come top of mind. The story of Hedwig started in 2001 as an American musical-comedy-drama written by John Cameron Mitchell (Shrill, Girls). The movie gained a devoted cult following after it bombed in the box office and only grossed a little over half of its $6 million budget.

Photo by Twin Cities Headshots

Photo by Twin Cities Headshots

Photo courtesy of Twin Cities Gay Scene

Photo courtesy of Twin Cities Gay Scene

Photo by Dan Norman

Photo by Dan Norman

Legally Blonde at Lyric Arts

Honestly, I’ll try to see this musical anytime it’s being produced in the Twin Cities. It’s a great feel-good show with an inspirational message and I love that Lyric Arts decided to produce it to round out their 2018-2019…

Top 5 Pride Events

Every year, Twin Cities Gay Scene has every writer put together a list of Pride events they are more excited for. The events I picked were a variety of drag events, to dance ones and more.

Brett Talks fringe fest

At the end of the summer there is only one thing on theatre fans minds and that is the Fringe Festival. Various spaces around town become performing arts spaces for new work from plays, to dances and even original musicals